Computer Systems Lab @ Indian Institute of Science

Computer Systems Lab

Department of Computer Science and Automation

Indian Institute of Science

Recent News

ACM India Early Career Researcher 2024 Award
Congratulations to Dr. Arkaprava Basu for receiving the ACM India Early Career Researcher (ECR) 2024 Award!
The paper titled "H-Rocks: CPU-GPU accelerated Heterogeneous RocksDB on Persistent Memory" by Shweta Pandey and Arkaprava Basu has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of the ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data 2025.
MICRO Hall of Fame
Congratulations to Dr. Arkaprava Basu for being inducted into the MICRO Hall of Fame, effective 2024!
The paper titled "SUV: Static analysis guided Unified Virtual Memory" by Pratheek B, Guilherme Cox, Jan Vesely and Arkaprava Basu has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 57th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture.
The paper titled "Over-synchronization in GPU Programs" by Ajay Nayak and Arkaprava Basu has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 57th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture.
Microsoft Research India PhD Award
Congratulations to Neha Prashant Jawalkar for being awarded the Microsoft Research India PhD Award.
Google PhD Fellowship
Congratulations to Neha Prashant Jawalkar for being awarded the Google PhD Fellowship.
S&P '24
The paper titled "Orca: FSS-based Secure Training and Inference with GPUs" by Neha Jawalkar*, Kanav Gupta*, Arkaprava Basu, Nishanth Chandran, Divya Gupta and Rahul Sharma has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy..
Google India Research Award
Dr. Arkaprava Basu was awarded one of the Google India Research Awards 2023!
Intel Research Fellowship
Congratulations to B. Pratheek for being awarded the Intel Research Fellowship.
Google PhD Fellowship
Congratulations to Shweta Pandey for being awarded the Google PhD Fellowship.
Prime Minister's Fellowship for Doctoral Research (PMDF)
Congratulations to Ajay Nayak for being awarded the Prime Minister's Fellowship for Doctoral Research.
Thesis Defense
Ashish Panwar successfully defended his thesis. Ashish joined Microsoft Research as a Senior Research Scientist
The paper titled "Scoped Buffered Persistency Model for GPUs" by Shweta Pandey*, Aditya K Kamath*, Arkaprava Basu has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems..
The paper titled "Designing Virtual Memory System of MCM GPUs" by Pratheek B.*, Neha Jawalkar*, Arkaprava Basu has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 55th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture.
Promoted to Associate Professor!
Prof. Arkaprava Basu gets an early promotion to Associate Professor.
Google India Research Award
Dr. Arkaprava Basu was awarded one of the Google India Research Awards 2021!
The paper titled "Leveraging Persistent Memory from a GPU" by Shweta Pandey, Aditya K. Kamath, Arkaprava Basu has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems.
Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF)
Congratulations to Neha Prashant Jawalkar for being awarded the Prime Minister's Research Fellowship.
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam HPC Award
Congratulations to Arkaprava Basu for being awarded the Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam HPC Award under the Younger Research Category in R&D in HPC Systems (Hardware and Software).
Intel Rising Star Faculty Award 2021
Congratulations to Arkaprava Basu, faculty advisor of CSL, for receiving the Intel Rising Star Faculty Award 2021.
Thesis Defense
Shweta Pandey successfully defended her thesis. Shweta is continuing her PhD from IISc.
Thesis Defense
Akash Panda successfully defended his thesis. Akash joined AMD as a Sr. Silicon Design Engineer.
SOSP '21
The paper titled "iGUARD: In-GPU Advanced Race Detection" by Aditya K. Kamath, Arkaprava Basu has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of 28th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles.
The paper titled "Trident: Harnessing Architectural Resources for All Page Sizes in x86 Processors" by Venkat Sai Ram, Ashish Panwar, Arkaprava Basu has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of 54th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture.
PACT '21
The paper titled "nuKSM: NUMA-aware Memory De-duplication for Multi-socket servers" by Akash Panda, Ashish Panwar, Arkaprava Basu has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of 30th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, September, 2021.
The paper titled "Faastlane: Accelerating Function-as-a-Service Workflows" by Jaya Jyothiswaroop Kotni, Ajay Nayak, Vinod Ganapathy, Arkaprava Basu has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of 2021 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, July, 2021.
AsiaCCS' 21
The paper titled "(Mis)managed: A Novel TLB-based Covert Channel on GPUs" by Ajay Nayak, Pratheek B., Vinod Ganapathy and Arkaprava Basu has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of 16th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security, June, 2021.
The paper titled "Dead Page and Dead Block Predictors: Cleaning TLBs and Caches Together" by Chandrashis Mazumdar*, Prachatos Mitra*, and Arkaprava Basu has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of 27th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, Seoul, South Korea, February, 2021.
* Both are joint first authors.
The paper titled "Enhancing GPU Multi-tenancy with Page Walk Stealing" by Pratheek B.*, Neha Jawalkar*, and Arkaprava Basu has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of 27th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, Seoul, South Korea, February, 2021.
* Both are joint first authors.

About Us

As the name suggests, at the Computer Systems Lab, we work on improving the quality of computer systems.

We focus particularly on GPUs. Our work spans all the layers of the GPU computing stack, from microarchitectural design to high-level software. We are currently working on GPU memory management, improving the quality of GPU programs, management of large data on GPUs, and GPU-accelerated secure computation.

Our Team



Arkaprava Basu

a r k a p r a v a b [at] i i s c [dot] a c [dot] i n



Ajay Ashok Nayak


Improving the quality of GPU programs

ajaynayak [at] iisc [dot] ac [dot] in


B. Pratheek


GPU memory management

[pratheekb] [at] iisc [dot] ac [dot] in


Neha Prashant Jawalkar


GPU-accelerated secure computation

jawalkarp [at] iisc [dot] ac [dot] in


Shweta Pandey


Large data management on GPUs

shwetapandey [at] iisc [dot] ac [dot] in


Abhishek Ghosh


Optimizing GPU programs | ML-compilers | Sys-ML

abhishekghos [at] iisc [dot] ac [dot] in


Utkrisht Patesaria

M.Tech. (Research)

Graph Neural Networks on GPUs

utkrishtp [at] iisc [dot] ac [dot] in


Snigdha Shekhar


Graph Neural Networks on GPUs

snigdhas [at] iisc [dot] ac [dot] in


Aditya Kumar Shaw


CPU-GPU co-optimisation | GNNs

ksaditya [at] iisc [dot] ac [dot] in


Syed Mohd Huzam

M.Tech (Res)

Large data management on GPUs

huzamsyed [at] iisc [dot] ac [dot] in


Khushit Shah


GPU memory management

khushits [at] iisc [dot] ac [dot] in


Anubhab Ghosh


Improving the quality of GPU programs

anubhabghosh [at] iisc [dot] ac [dot] in

Our supporters